Tuesday, November 21

Her True Colors

Smoke-blue and dusty Green whisper her subservience. Her dreams have faded long since. She eases from one day into the next

into the next

into the next.

Unflinching Gold makes her reassuring presence known. She is certain of this: Her God is true and He is good. Come all that life can wield against a woman’s heart, Gold tells that she knows I Am.

A scatter of garish Pinks and lusty Reds foretell a trap. She moves with careful intent. She will lure. She will trap. She will own.

The Grey of steel and stone encase a heart found too close to this one. She is trapped by bars and gates long unopened. She would have you incarcerated too.

White light. Brilliant in its purity, the shimmer of her joy pulls you to her. To know her is to know Him.

Orange promises excitement, and her humor does not disappoint. But masked there, too, a faded yellow, waiting for gentle exposure to the light of the Son.

She is not who she thinks she is. Trying a garment of crimson or blue, one of peach or ash gray, none ring true. She settles for a canvas sack to hide her True Purple.

Earth and moss, cool streams and dew. She brings comfort, rest to any that sit with her. Her color is that of nature. Her nature is rich in color.

Her touch is Silver satin on weary hands. Gentleness adorns her in Blues and Ivory. Lavender mercy cloaks her shoulders. She changes her world with His character.

We show ourselves unwittingly
expressions, language, thought
Leaving an impression
a mark
A streaming color ribbon

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