Wednesday, April 22

Dad Taught Me...

  • "Everything is going to be okay. But when it's time to worry, I'll let you know." That sounds a lot like God.
  • "Rights" aren't all they're cracked up to be. People will tell us that life is all about getting what is rightfully ours, about defending our own rights, about being right. Consider a life of absolute surrender to God instead ~ consider laying down rights in exchange for relationship with Jesus; consider trusting that the Way of Jesus might be safer, wilder, more rewarding, less arrogant than living for self alone.
  • Listening takes time. Listening requires that the hearer be silent, slow to speak.
  • Sometimes physical health (or it's absence) is a choice. Choose wellness.
  • Compassion is sweet and powerful...and sometimes hidden.
  • Crying with another in their grief is right. Do it. But don't make it about you.
  • It's okay to mumble the odd expletive, especially if, while patiently teaching your daughter to drive, she nearly spins everybody into a ditch.
  • "Integrity" is about what goes on in secret; about who we are when no one's watching.
  • Diplomacy and wisdom invite peace. Sometimes they even make peace.
  • Forgiveness is what we live, no matter how angry we are or how much we're hurting.
  • It is never okay to disprespect our elders. It is never okay to disprespect anybody.
  • Change is possible. Teachability is imperitive.
  • It's probably better to err on the side of generosity, even if the service is bad and the meal is cold. Who knows what sort of day your server is having?
  • Silent laughter, the kind that sees tears coursing down a cheek, heals.

My father lives his faith. Every day. His largely silent example (italisized with the occasional, well-timed German cuss word) shapes me. It shapes my family. It works itself more deeply into who I am with every year that passes.His journey has been as real-life, human, painful, successful, uncertain as any. But his steps are sure and he's carved a path worth following.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a legacy! I pray that we can all leave our children with such wisdom.Tia